You know what to do. šRequest the symbol you are interested in.I will take up to 3 requests.
Only a dollar away from 600 Top. If you are holding I would hold and let it ride with stop at 313.91. Otherwise I would look for something else as I am not a chaser.ELAN:
It's been down trending but might be reversed on Friday.Can't confirm in 1 day but if it's confirmed that the trend is reversed, 34 could be the PT.
However I do not have enough confidence as the data is very limited with only about a year.
New company...I guess, right? IPO last year?
It has B flag.600 bottom was broken down and recovered from 5% further down from the bottom.
Very nice recovery with strong bounce.
So I would say 110 was the true floor.
I would cautiously getting in with 116 stop.
127 might be the next stop.
My pick would be XLNX for the next week with no brainier.
In fact, I would consider to open up the position on Monday as long as the stock is not jumped already too high.
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DeleteELAN ģ ģ²ķ“ė“ ėė¤~
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ReplyDeleteTSLA ė¶ķėė ¤ģ!
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