You know what to do. šRequest the symbol you are interested in.I will take up to 3 requests.
Not fully exit from the bottom range. But it's not far from 600 bottom.
It doesn't seem to be risky if you are interested in...
Holder- Set trail stop at 116. Wait to buy back until go over 116.49 when stop out.
Buyer-If you want to get in now, follow Holder recommendation above after buy. Otherwise wait until the bottom confirmed at 116.49.
It's in the 20 day bottom range at 15th.
Might be okay to get in with stop at 133.68.
R Flag.
But only about 2% upside....unless it breaks out the 600 Top.
If you are holder, let it ride with stop at 33.9.
Once breaks out the top, stop at the top at 34.9.
It looks like it just got out of 20 day bottom.
It showed good bounce from the bottom so it might be reversed.
My Pick for the week:
Wow...this week's tough.
I kind of like them all....
I would go with XLNX as I am conservative.
If you are aggressive, try LM or MDB.
What about you???
What would you pick?
Not fully exit from the bottom range. But it's not far from 600 bottom.
It doesn't seem to be risky if you are interested in...
Holder- Set trail stop at 116. Wait to buy back until go over 116.49 when stop out.
Buyer-If you want to get in now, follow Holder recommendation above after buy. Otherwise wait until the bottom confirmed at 116.49.
It's in the 20 day bottom range at 15th.
Might be okay to get in with stop at 133.68.
R Flag.
But only about 2% upside....unless it breaks out the 600 Top.
If you are holder, let it ride with stop at 33.9.
Once breaks out the top, stop at the top at 34.9.
It looks like it just got out of 20 day bottom.
It showed good bounce from the bottom so it might be reversed.
My Pick for the week:
Wow...this week's tough.
I kind of like them all....
I would go with XLNX as I am conservative.
If you are aggressive, try LM or MDB.
What about you???
What would you pick?
Disģ~ ź°ģ¬ķ©ėė¤̆̈!
ReplyDeleteģė ķģøģ
ReplyDeleteģ Xlnxģ¬
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ģźø ėģ“, ģ°ģ ģ“ė£Øģźøø...^^
DeleteMdb. ģ-~~~
ReplyDeleteLmt ģ“ė²ģ ģėė©“ ė¤ģźø°ķģ ė¶ķėė ¤ģ
DeleteLMģ¼ė” ģėŖ» ė“¤ė¤ģ..ģ ź°...
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Deleteź·øėģ LM ģ ź“ķź±° ģģģ¼ėź¹ģ^^
ģ ė ė ģ ėķ ź²ģ.^^
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ReplyDeleteģ¤ėģ ģ ģ§ ė°ģ ė ģ“ė¤ģ....^^
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Deleteģ ź°ģ¬ķ©ėė¤̆̈!! źæģ±ė ģė~!
ReplyDeleteėģ¦ė~~ . ģė ė°ė¼ķė©“ģ ėģ”ėė° ėģ§ źøģ”ģ“ 115ė¶ ģ“ģė?? ģ¬ė¼ź°ģ¤ģ ģģģ¼ė ėģ“ ė¬¶ģ¬ ģģźø°ģ ė ė¤ė„øė° ķ¬ģķ“ģ ź·ø ģ“ģ ģ»ģģ¼ė ģģ¬ģģ ģė“ģ. ģėģ“ ģģ¤ķ ģ ė£ģ“ģ£¼ģė©“ ģ¤ģķ ė§ģ ģģ“ģ ć ć ć
ReplyDeleteXLNX, Dis ėė¤ ģ¢ģź±° ź°ģģ. ź·¼ė° ģź±“ ģ¢ ģ„źø°ė” ģź°ķź³ ģģ“ģ. ģ¢ģź°ź²©ģ¼ė IRAģ ė£ģ“ėź³ ģ¶ģ....
ReplyDeleteė”ė¹ķė ģ°ģµģ źøģģ~ ģź²ė ėģ¤ ķėė¼ė©“ xlnx
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